Deaconess Ministry

Serving the Lord through serving the needs of the Church, it's members and the community.

"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:10-11

What does a Deaconess do?

The main function of the Deaconess Ministry is to contribute to the day-to-day running of the church. Many of these responsibilities are "under the radar" but are vital to the smooth functioning of the church. For example, laundry, Communion prep, a well-stocked First Aid kit, scheduling greeters for church services, stocking kitchen supplies, assistance with Memorials, baptisms and other church activities. A secondary, but very important aspect of the Deaconess Ministry is Outreach, both to church members and the community.

What commitment is required?


Time commitment includes attendance of (1) meeting per month as well as time spent participating in miscellaneous events throughout the year.

The Deaconesses are led by a Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Each Deaconess is asked to prayerfully consider her involvement as an officer and/or team member of one or more committees. While you will be signing up to help on committees that you feel called to work on, your support and assistance is always encouraged with other committees. We have meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the church.


Financial commitment is low - we collect an offering at each meeting- $2-$5 per month is customary, but certainly not mandatory. There is a generous Deaconess budget that we use to fund larger outreach projects. Smaller projects (items for Sonshine Bags, ingredients for homemade pes, etc.) are donated by each individual Deaconess.

Spiritual Requirements

  • Maintain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Desire to grow in faith and commitment to God and participate in personal Bible Study and prayer
  • Worship regularly with the church family


  • Women who are members in good standing of the church
  • Women shall be considered in light of guidelines set forth in 1 Timothy 3:11

Examples of Outreach Projects & Church Activities we have participated in:

  • Homemade Soup/Stew/Chili delivered to Church widows/widowers
  • Putting together yellow Sonshine Bags (yearly)
  • White Elephant Exchange
  • Yearly Christmas Dinner & Ornament Exchange (Deaconess & Deaconess Emeritus)
  • Park Side & Brookhaven School Staff Breakfast (Yearly)
  • Pies to Sebastopol Fire Dept. & Gold Ridge Fire Dept. (Yearly)
  • Operation Christmas Child (Yearly)
  • Blankets and Warm Socks delivered to Nursing Homes
  • Giving Fund Recipients (gift cards to needy families, new pots/pans for SCC, etc.)
  • Cookie Exchange to bless others
  • Christmas Caroling
  • Church Picnic
  • Widows Luncheon
  • 100th birthday parties
  • Luncheons for Memorials
  • Cards sent to 6-8 individuals every month (filled out at meetings) This is in addition to our Family Care Committee cards that are sent out every quarter to approximately 40 individuals.

please prayerfully consider if deaconess ministry is an area you would be interested in serving in

The deep friendships and personal relationships you will build with these women- your sisters in Christ - will be lifelong and priceless. The blessings you will receive from serving in this capacity are meaningful, uplifting and spiritually maturing. Our motto is "Preach Jesus at all times, if necessary, use words"

Meet our Deaconesses

Deaconess Chair Sue Beckstead
Co-Chair Sherry Dillon
Co-Chair Eve Joseph
Kay Goss
Lori Martinez
Regina Goulart
Lynette Winters
Debra Coughlin

For more info or if you are interested in becoming a Deaconess please fill out the form below: